A House Divided
By Lee Hanlon
Since the time of Trudeau, Canada has been a nation of multiculturalism. Since then interest lobby groups and political parties that focus on one issue have been popping up left right and centre.
Lobby groups that support radical environmental and abortion rights, and gay and same-sex marriage rights.
Political parties that support these issues, as well as parties that support legalizing the use of illegal drugs, such as the Marijuana party of Canada. The very same party that has candidates that want to repeal the Criminal Code of Canada. Then there is the Green Party which supports radical environmental issues.
Now we have a new single focused political party called the Nation Alliance Party. The name alone has overtones of communism. This party is no different than the Federal Bloc Party in that it’s aim is to represent one group of people. Chinese Canadians. It’s bad enough that we have the Federal Bloc Party that only represents the interests of Quebec.
Canada. A country once proud is no longer a nation of pride. When war comes we duck and cover. There was a time when this once great nation forged it’s identity in blood. We fought hard. We won. And we died. We died so Canadians could live as a free nation. A nation of free choice!
Now we have not only interest lobby groups that support immorality, but also interest political parties that campaign on grounds of immorality.
It’s bad enough that we have rogue judges, whom I might add, are not elected officials that support these special interest groups that lobby immorality such as gay rights, same-sex marriage, and abortion rights.
For Canada to return to its roots we must rid ourselves of the multiple tier party system and special interest groups that lobby for immorality. Canada would do well to adopt the two tier party system.
Also, for Canada to survive, we must rid ourselves of the so-called multicultural status.
Multiculturalism only supports division. And a house divided against itself cannot stand. Quebec is a perfect example of that.
The province of Quebec violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms by refusing to allow English speaking businesses to post their signs in public view.
I cringe at the thought of a new self interest communistic political party and the division it will cause a once proud nation that now bows its head in shame.