Another Rogue Judge
By Lee Hanlon
Another rogue BC judge is at it again. This time it is BC Provincial Court Judge Don Gardner. On June 7, 2008 so-called Justice Gardner threw out a major drug/gun case.
The accused, Jonathan Bacon, Godwin Cheng, and Rayleen Burton, within minutes of their arrival at the Abbotsford Provincial Court house were free to go their way so they can continue their career as drug dealers. In his illogical stupidity, Gardner excluded all the evidence that was discovered during a legal police raid at the Bacon residence.
Bacon and his associates were arrested in May 2005 after the Abbotsford Police drug squad legally raided the Bacon residence in the 2000 block of Winfield Drive. According to police information, seized in the raid were 40 pounds of marijuana, crack cocaine, and the well known date rape drug known as ecstasy. Also seized were two prohibited machine pistols, two hand guns, silencers a bullet-proof vest and nearly $100,000 in cash.
According to public record, Bacon was charged with 11 weapon offenses and 4 drug related offenses related to the purpose of trafficking. Burton faced one drug related offence and 11 weapons related charges. Cheng was charged with 3 counts of drug related offenses related to the purpose of trafficking.
So-called Justice Gardner claimed that his reason for dismissing the charges against Bacon and associates was based on a Charter infringement. When so-called Justice Gardner was a prosecutor in late 99 he refused to prosecute a stalking related case only because the victim was a male and the accused was a female. This only shows that so-called Justice Gardner does not belong anywhere in the justice system. It is because of left wing radicals like him that puts the justice system at risk.
Letter writer Jason Mitchell seems to think that the late Prime Minister P. E. Trudeau is “rolling in his grave” due to BC Provincial Court Judge Don Gardner’s left wing radical decision in dismissing the drug/gun charges against Bacon and Associates on June 7, 2008. Not true! Trudeau drafted the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms just so the left wing radical judiciary such as Gardner can throw out cases such as the Bacon and Associates matter. Trudeau, true to his left wing radical form, is surely giving Gardner a two thumbs up!!
The question remains is this: What was the so-called charter infringement that so-called Justice Gardner is relying on?
It is highly unlikely that the police arbitrarily picked this drug infested house. The house, according to police, was the subject of suspicious activity for several months, and was believed to be the location of high level drug trafficking. I suspect that the police had all of their i’s doted and t’s crossed before they executed the drug raid.
There is no way that the police would put their investigation at risk. We must remember that this isn’t the first time a so-called justice from BC threw out a case. If you recall, about a year or so ago, a BC Supreme Court (so-called) justice blasted the police for not giving a suspected drug dealer time to open the door when they announced themselves and then bashed the door in during a legal raid.
Letter writer Mitchell is correct though, when he states that, “It is time we overhaul our judiciary, because it clearly cannot accomplish the job for which it is intended.”