The purpose of this post is to seek feedback from readers in regard to the need for private investigation services. The purpose of this Private Investigations Services Marketing Survey is for the author of this post to determine how to deliver PI services to the public. The author of this post only asks the reader who responds to give an honest answer with their gender type (i.e. Male or Female) and province/city, responder is located. For the Responder to understand what Private Investigators do, a definition of Private Investigator is included. This definition can be found in Section 1 of the (BC) Security Services Act (BC legislation that covers the Private Security Sector). Following the legislated definition is a Marketing Survey related to Private Investigation Services. All information given is held in strict confidence.
Definition of Private Investigator Private Investigators may seek or obtain information about crimes, offences, contraventions or misconduct or of allegations of the same. They may look into the activities, character or repute of a person or of an organization, seek the whereabouts of a person, seek the location, disposition or recovery of lost, stolen or missing property. They may also look into the cause or the responsibility of a fire, accident or incident in which damage to property or injury to another person has occurred.
Security Services Act (BC), Section 1 Private Investigation Services Marketing Survey 1. What is your Age Range? 2. Are you Male or Female? 3. Are you Employed or Unemployed? 4. Are you Single, Married, or Divorced? 5. What city do you reside in? 6. Does the above section of the BC Security Services Act (SSA) give you a better understanding of the types of investigations Private Investigators are licensed to do in the province of BC? 7. What type of background, education, and experience would you look for when you are seeking the services of a Private Investigator? 8. What are the most important skill-sets would you want your Private Investigator to have? 9. What would you expect to pay for the services of a Private Investigator? 10. Why would you consider hiring a Private Investigator? 11. If Police Investigators dropped the ball on an investigation (i.e. where you or a family member is a victim of crime) would you consider hiring a Private Investigator?