Lee Hanlon | December 1, 2020
Who is Dr. Bonnie Henry? Dr. Henry is BC’s Health Officer. Recently Dr. Henry widened the scope of lockdowns to address the Government’s response to covid-19. For those that don’t know, covid-19 has a 99.98% recovery rate. But the government (federal & provincial) doesn’t want the people to know the truth. The federal, provincial, and territorial governments are purposely using covid-19 to control the people of Canada.
For example, a Langley BC church was fined by the BC government $2,300 for ignoring the government covid lockdown. Yet liquor stores, bars, and sex clubs get to stay open, as well as stores, such a Superstore, London Drugs, Shoppers Drug Mart, Save-On Foods and Wal-Mart, as well as Staples, Starbucks, Tim Horton’s, McDonald’s, and A&W. So why can’t places of worship stay open? Targeting places of worship is a flagrant violation of our Human Rights, Civil Liberties, and Charter Rights! Even mandatory masks and eventually mandatory vaccines are a flagrant violation of our Charter Rights!
Even the Courts have shut down, and more recently opened with limitations where some matters are heard via phone conference. And this means the draconian lockdown orders can and will go unchecked. And that means, We the People of Canada are getting our democratical rights and freedoms stripped and because the government closed the courts down, there’s not thing one we can do to fight to protect our rights and freedoms.
Dr. Henry. Initiated these draconian lockdowns starting with the courts. That’s how it starts in a communistic country, such as the USSR and Cuba. Dr. Henry is no more than a communistic dictator with a severe hate-on for religious freedoms!
I for one did not serve Queen & Country as a combat trained soldier for 16 years just so the government of Canada (at all levels) could strip the people of their democratical rights and freedoms.